So we have been notified by the Kingsbury Club that bubble will start to go up next Tuesday September 11th.
They have plans to have it complete by Friday but as always this whole procedure is very weather dependent.
Once everything is in place and confirmed I will send out an email clarifying practice schedules while this is taking place.

That being said, our annual Fit Clinic will be happening Tuesday evening 9/11 from 5-7.  The plan is to have it in the back of the club near the locker rooms where we typically have it.  If the location changes for some reason I will send out another email.  Please make sure to attend as this will be when all orders will be placed for all apparel, team suits, equipment, parkas, caps with last names, etc.    Alot of these items as most of you know are only ordered during this clinic so we can get the lowest bulk pricing available so don’t miss out!
Additionally, everyone MUST
 have a team suit and the suit IS CHANGING THIS YEAR!

Please call or email with any questions.

