OKAY MEDFIELD, here is the schedule you have been waiting for!

I have attached a new practice schedule for all groups that has been worked on all week.  The coaching staff have worked tirelessly to put together something that they hope will work for everyone and put all swimmers in a practice schedule that will give them more instruction and more individualized attention.

Please note, as much as we would like to say this is the final schedule there may be some kinks to work out but noone will know that until we get into it.  We appreciate everyones patience as we work to grow this dynamite new arm of Kingfish Swimming.

Long course for SENIOR and JUNIOR groups will start this coming MONDAY MARCH 28th.

Long course for AGE GROUPER and DEVELOPMENTAL groups will start on APRIL 4th.

I will also be doing the FIT CLINIC I promised everyone this coming TUESDAY MARCH 29th from 6-8pm.  I will have suit size runs for boys and girls as well as warmups, and parkas.  The suits are Speedo so if you aren’t sure how they will fit this will be your time to do it.  All competitive Kingfish MUST HAVE A TEAM SUIT!  If you already gave me a size for your swimmer feel free to come by and change it up but I will be placing the team order next Wednesday the 30th and if you have not given me a size one will be ordered for you.
Any parents that can help write the orders up for me that nite would be greatly appreciated.  I know alot of you emailed me saying you could if you were available so if possible send me an email letting me know……I could use maybe 4-5 moms.

Thanks everyone and as always, any questions can be directed back via email or my cell is 774-766-9063






Wednesday                            6-730p           1.5 hours

Friday                                     6-730p           1.5hours

Sunday                                   6-730p           1.5hours



Monday                                  6-730             1.5 hours

Tuesday                                 6-730             1.5 hours

Thursday                               6-730             1.5 hours

Friday                                     430-6             1.5 hours

Sunday                                   4-6                  2     hours



Monday                                  4-6                  2 hours

Tuesday                                 7-9                  2 hours

Wednesday                            4-6                  2 hours

Thursday                               7-9                  2 hours

Sunday                                   10-1230p      2.5 hours



Monday                                  7-9p                2 hours

Tuesday                                 4-6                  2 hours

Wednesday                            4-6                  2 hours

Thursday                               4-6                  2 hours

Friday                                     510-630a       1.5 hours

Sunday                                   7-10a              3 hours



Wednesday                            6-645p                       

Friday                                     6-645p           pick 2x per week       

Sunday                                   6-645p



Wednesday                            6-730p

Friday                                     6-730p           swim all 3 practices per week

Sunday                                   6-730p                                   

Lynn ONeil
Team Administrator
Kingfish Swimming